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1606, 2015

Elegance and power: Tc Rec presents The Italia Sea Group in the Corporate video of luxury shipyard.

juin 16th, 2015|News & Evennements|Commentaires fermés sur Elegance and power: Tc Rec presents The Italia Sea Group in the Corporate video of luxury shipyard.

Elegance, class and technology. These are the words that pop up in mind while looking at the jewels built by The Italian Sea Group.

A luxury joint venture, innovation and power, aimed to produce wonderful yachts, as Italian pride worldwide.

Tc Rec gave his voice for The Italian Group Corporate presentation.

The video, realized in cooperation with the […]

1006, 2015

TC REC gives his voice to the beauty, in the new commercial Rimmel London WonderFull WakeMe Up

juin 10th, 2015|News & Evennements|Commentaires fermés sur TC REC gives his voice to the beauty, in the new commercial Rimmel London WonderFull WakeMe Up

It’s Kate Moss’ face acting as testimonial for the new product Rimmel London WonderFull WakeMeUp.

But it’s the voice of Tc Rec that go with the images, in the new commercial featured on main national television channels.

2 different scripts, in cooperation with 2thepoint agency based in Turin, to promote the new make-up made in UK.

TC Rec […]

506, 2015


juin 5th, 2015|News & Evennements|Commentaires fermés sur TC REC IS THE OFFICIAL VOICE OF PIEDMONT CATHEDRALS

We gave the voice to the artistic and cultural heritage stored in the Cathedrals of our Region.
In Italian, French and English.

In the year of Holy Shroud exhibition, Turin has seen a promotion project focused on cultural and artistic heritage hosted withing the Piedmont Cathedrals.

“Cities and Cathedrals”, this is the name, is and initiative promoted by […]