The European Institute of Oncology, based in Milan strives to achieve the excellence in the area of cancer prevention, early diagnosis and effective treatment through the development of clinical and scientific research and through organizational and managerial innovation, with a constant focus on the quality of the service provided to the patients.


Born from project of Dr Umberto Veronesi, it has been launched in 1994, and in two years it became a referral point for the cancer cure and the research worldwide.

The values and principles which inspire and guide the Institute’s personnel include:

  • Patient focus
  • Continuous healthcare quality improvement
  • Service excellence
  • Multidisciplinary approach to clinical care
  • Development of experimental research and fast transfer of results to the patients
  • Enhancing the value of human resources
  • European spirit and openness to international collaborations


In cooperation with BC Today, TC Rec gave his voice for a video that proposes, in a very efficient but really not predicted way, the presentation of IEO activities, and the philosophy that drives one of the most important institutions for the cure and prevention of cancer, worldwide.

To satisfy the need of internationalization, we dubbed the video in different languages: Italian, English, Russian and Arabic

It has been an honor, in addition to a great professional opportunity, to work for such an important health institution. The agency selected TC Rec for his deep experience in medical and institutional field, confirming once more his expertise in scientific and medical area.